Thursday, January 30, 2014

1/30 Les poids sur les i .

Rien que 2 nuits d'hôtel


Plastique de plus dans la poubelle

Ca va passer

Rien que ça se croit belle


Et dans ta gueule de princesse un coup de


Poing, virgule.


Un coup de hache ou un coup de poing?

Faudrais être sûre.

Non regarde j'ai mis 3 petits points,

Moins de blessures.

Tu fais des maths maintenant?

Du haut niveau.

T'étais pas mate avant?

Dans le caniveau.

A là c'est trop cru, faut que t'arrête, t'en dis trop.

Fais moi juste un peu bouillir, et ça ira

Comme un poisson dans l'eau.

Et tu sais quoi / mais tu sais quoi?

Vas te faire foutre / Va te faire ultra foutre / méga foutre.

Cette énergie du désespoir, qui reste quoi qu'il arrive, comme un fond de bouteille.

A la fois précieux, effrayant, pitoyable et autant indispensable qu'un dernier coup de pelle.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

24/1 I have to get myself a TV.

This morning I had a show in a Comedy program called  Hanamaru Market はなまるマーケット on TBS. Of course I know what It's all about but this time was especially funny because It commemorates the one year anniversary of me saying "I have to buy myself a TV, but don't worry I'll watch the next one!"  Here you see I'm procrastinating even with leisure activities...

This reminded me the last TBS broadcasting, where they just presented as "live" a 6 months old video...Thus everyone I've met for one month asked me how come I "never feel cold!".

T_T Obviously when you see this in December you have the right to wonder...

Indeed I'm wearing a tank top. But that as summer at that time I swear :)

And yeah, merry 1 year without TV to myself. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I need to find another reason to waste my time finally :)

( To watch the Show : )

This a picture I got from a friend today, still no idea what the whole thing looked like, but still...

I was actually in a pretty bad shape that day that I had to go to the pharmacy half way, not sure people noticed that but I'll be happy if they didn't (Vandame mode ON) =D

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1/23 "And Nothing Else Matters"

      I've made up this rough from the BMW s1000 and the Suzuki Sv650 (Faring and around the Fork)
So from my former bike and the one I'd love to have next. Allowing myself some liberties halfway with the design :) As for the colours I've been suddenly - for which ever reason - recently a big fan of the "White/Gold" combinaison... Surprising, as it used to be exclusively Red my whole life...

1/22 Eve a naissance. A dan pas longtemps.


Mon pays en a 3000, le tien 42. Non comment ça sérieux. Ouai sérieux, oui sérieux parce que oui pourquoi parce que ouais parce que. Plus jeune que mon père est ton pays. Ta pomme est encore acrochée à l’arbre. Tu n’à, vous n’avez même pas eu de place pour quelques guerres, quelques massacres, quelques heures sombres, quelques souks-quelques cafards-quelques hôtels-quelques bazars-. Vos femmes n’ont pas eu droit aux couleurs âcres ni aux goûts âpres, de quelques nuits d’hôtel, sans lumière, sur les murs pas un lézard. Pas même dans les toilettes, pour les enfants, pas de lézards sur les mûrs, pas de fissure, pas de blé...ssures, parce que du blé, sûr que vous en avez ! Oh que oui, oh que si, Oh que scie moi les dents si je mens. Si moi bon gré mal gré et de toi bon vent. Scie moi ainsi font font font tes petits maris honnêtes. Scie moi en foire, enfin en fête. C’est ma fête, forraine, forer, faux-Roi fausse-Reine. Tu sais compter jusqu’à combien ? Jusqu’à 2999 c’est clair, comme de l’eau de roche, comme sous mes yeux les poches. Il n’y a que celles-ci qui se permettent le luxe d’être pleines. Tu vois on a pareil, juste pas au même endroit. C’est pour ça qu’on s’aime, pas vrai ? Juste pas au même niveau. Juste toi qui est moins neuf que moi, mais beaucoup plus nouveau.    


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1/21 Hey what's up doc? Nothing, just some other Illustrations.

You guys, today you have to find out what all the body parts here above are >:D !

Joking, I just had to do some kids aimed medical illustrations, and thought that would be fun to share it.
I spare you the seedy ones... :)

From a heart full of love and a gallbladder full of melancholy,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

13/1 成人式の日ですよー

Hi Adults, Hi Teenagers,Hi Kids :)


Today is the 成人式 (Coming of age ceremony) day in Japan.
The best Day to see youngsters in Kimonos filling up the streets.
And each time all the Japanese supposed to have become adults this year (wondering lol).

This is a picture of a COA ceremony I have no right upon (the person who looks way taller than me ;))
But I found it really cool. Just pay attention to the faces, some are worth a "Where's Wally?"

See you :)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

01/12 A S(a/i)mple Life









Because Everything wasn't Fake enough in this country, they need to fake the Food either...
Why, just why...?


Thursday, January 2, 2014

1/2 Morning fails (those ones we all know about)

Experiencing the dark side of having a terrible memory 
(Yes, it also has a bright side...)

You have to look closer to get it I guess
(Thing I should have done myself on that day too...)

2014 1/1 H-ere we go again-APPY NEW YEAR.


Is something I hate to say,
Come on, who knows it's gonna be good? 
That's only the very first beginning.
But yeah, we should underline some of our life events,
so the soup can become bortsch.
If only the mere action of "wishing" could make it "happening".

Um, it always sounds to me like a "Hey destiny, look how confident we are about the future, come on, you can't deceive us, you can't let down all this positiveness right?"
Ain't it a "Prêcher le faux pour savoir le vrai?".

It sounds as gambling on our own destiny,
It sounds like a enthusiastic Horse racing.
Speaking of Horse racing, good thing, this year is the one guys.

The Horse Year (tadam), might be the best time to start trusting that 
betting on yourself could be good.
I should give it a try sometimes.

Here's some of the traditional 年賀状we use to send for new year, 
as always there's some classics, quickly overstepped  by non-sense ones (including more motor bikes than horses....)
But wait "Horse power" is as a matter of fact made for overtaking, right?

With Love, from under and above : )