Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4/30 This life we (all) get to live...


...At some point. Whether you like it or not. Unless if you're perfect, and if you're perfect you're not really human. I mean, if you're perfect your destiny is like a straight line, unchanging, with no surprises, no choices to make, neither hard times nor mistakes to make you stronger, no flaws to make you reconsider yourself , to give you empathy when dealing with others. Nothing that would make fighting for yourself worth it.
So you better not.
Be messy, Be rough, and when you'll earn all the good this will teach you, kick off this life and get awesome.  But always cut yourself some slack, always allow yourself to remain who you are somewhere.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

4/27 Trash us, bleach us, replay us.

We're just colours, and no one will miss us.

We're just matter, a matter of time, and  in time we'll disappear.

In time the world will miss our colours,

But without feelings.

Neither for Mister nor Miss.

Just Maths, as a matter of fact,

Just a subtraction.

The same world minus our actions.

plus, more, more, less,

That same world, without your kindness.

Oscillating like the earthquake's needle,

Like the beating of your heart,

Like "Hot and Cold" livings.

Like "Yes and No" Sayings, "With and Without" breathings.

In this world, just as like as Out.

People didn't die,  they've just moved out,
From this tremendous life to one other's Night.

Friday, April 25, 2014

4/20 For your Pounds my Wounds.

Am I still interesting
Although I've cut my hair

Am I still interesting
Do you still care

Do you still wanna meet
Although I'll say no word

Do you still wanna meet
Me in that crowd

Do you still wanna see
That "me" you seemed to like

Do you still wanna see
If so I won't turn back

Am I still for you now
I stand still now and then  

I'm too crazy to live
You're not the one to blame.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

04/ 07 Negociations Skills: NONE (or even worst).

You think you did it, then:
"Wait, What?" 

Encore un petit strip de Mexico, plus précisement du magnifico Teotihuacan ou je n'aurais pas encore pu prouver au monde l'évolution de mes talents de négociatrice (puisque de fait encore aujourd'hui inexistants). J'aurais tellement voulu rentrer et dire "Regarde maman, je négocie trop ienb maintenant tu ne me reconnaîtrais plus"...Mais non quoi. 

Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage,
Ou comme cestuy-là qui conquit la toison,
Et puis est retourné, plein d'usage et raison,
Vivre entre ses parents le reste de son âge...ou pas.
Pour le début comme la fin :D

Plutôt que cela je vous propose une version remasterisée de mon cru:
Heureux qui comme Olfa,
A fait un beau voyage,
Et est retourné chez ses parents,
Encore plus bête qu'il ne l'était avant.

Alors? Pas mal, non?
Au moins ça rime, donc c'est déjà un peu mieux que la vie. Qui elle ne rime à rien..Du moins d'après les Monty Pythons.

Sinon, en quoi cette Négocitaion aurait differencié de celles d'avant? 
Le fail Mathématique associé au fail de la capacité de persuation...par exemple.

Rien de grave, juste tout de dramatique.

Mais comprendre ses erreurs est le premier pas vers la guérison, pas vrai.?

Des Bisous! And Keep Rolling!
There's a hero inside you!
(J'avoue le dernier copyright va a Mariah Carey...)

Bibi, Olfa

04/07 Nécessaire de voyage. Wat a real "travelling pack" is about.

Dat Contemporary Traveler's Sickness.