Sunday, December 14, 2014

11/11 Autumn leaves get brown when Autumn leaves.

A ride in Yamanashi, no better mix between the exciting and the refreshing.

On the edge of the rode, that was the best view of the trip, definitely.

Orange leaves, reaching the top.

Miguel's SP2 and my VFR800, she's called Carla by the way and she has a facebook account. lol
A great light for a great break.

A very calm spot we found.

Great picture with everyone, on the top of the mountain.

Sunset, time to get off the hills. 

The women's bath low-angle shot
(being alone there allowed me to turn it into a playground, indeed)

The women's bath from up : )

The women's bath from under.

The women's bath from the center.

Last Green Tea ice cream : )

Just the few pictures of a week-end aimed to farewell Autumn properly.
Stay warm !

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