Wednesday, June 13, 2012

06/11 Teacher and Pupils 生徒と先生

Last class I had the so called awesome idea to ask my students to draw a portrait of anyone in the classroom. My will was to create kind of a re-drawn class photograph or what we call in French a funny ''Trombinoscope". 
But I realized soon enough my naive plan was falling through and after 10 minutes drawing I understood how stupid I was: All the class, except one, was drawing nothing but my own portrait.
I tried to make them change their plans half way but despite my efforts there was no way I could convince them do so...
Many of the girls were cute enough to write my first name with hearts at the head of their pages...
I felt so bad for the whole duration of the class, scarred the director comes by, asking me why I was holding a dictatorial class forcing all my students to draw me. Which was absolutely not the case... ^_^'

    Finally, when collecting the drawings, I was also very surprised to figure out how I was seen by my own students : many of them were seeing me blond or with a childish face sometimes (maybe not in the wrong meaning tho but still). Even if (and maybe moreover because of) happening by accident, that was a really interesting experience. ; )

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